Day 1: Introduction to Generative Lexicon and Distributional Analysis
- Lecture 1 Slides (Monday, July 17)
- The Generative Lexicon: (Pustejovsky, 1995)
- The Structure of Meaning: (Pustejovsky, 2010)
- Distributional Analysis of Copredication: Towards distinguishing systematic polysemy from coercion: (Jezek and Vieu, 2014)
- Quantitative methods for identifying systematic
polysemy classes(Vieu, Jezek, and Van de Cruys, 2015)
Day 2: Qualia Structure
- Lecture 2 Slides (Tuesday, July 18)
- Qualia Roles (Pustejovsky, 2010)
- Introducing Qualia Structure: (Chapter 2 of Introduction to Generative Lexicon, Pustejovsky and Jezek, 2018, OUP)
- Type Theory and Lexical Decomposition (Pustejovsky, 2001)
- Informativeness Constraints and Compositionality (Batiukova and Pustejovsky, 2013)
- Lexical Redundancy: in The Lexicon (Jezek, 2016, OUP)
- Type Composition Logic (Asher and Pustejovsky, 2013)
Day 3: Event Structure
- Lecture 3 Slides (Wednesday, July 19)
- The Syntax of Event Structure (Pustejovsky, 1991)
- Events and the Semantics of Opposition (Pustejovsky, 2000)
- The Qualitative Spatial Dynamics of Motion in Language (Pustejovsky and Moszkowicz, 2011)
- Scale Shifting and Compositionality (Pustejovsky and Jezek, 2011)
- Dynamic Event Structure and Habitat Theory (Pustejovsky, 2013)
Day 4: Argument Structure
- Lecture 4 Slides (Thursday, July 14)
- Lexical Shadowing and Argument Closure: (Pustejovsky, 2000)
- Lexical Factorization and Syntactic Behavior (Pustejovsky and Joshi, 2017)
- Dynamic Argument Structure (Jezek and Pustejovsky, 2017)
- SemEval-2010 Task 7: Argument Selection and Coercion (Pustejovsky et al, 2010)
- Generative Lexicon Theory and Lexicography (Jezek, 2016)
- Distributed Representations of Lexical Sets and Prototypes in Causal Alternation Verbs (Ponti et al, 2015)
- Dataset for Lab on Semantic Types and Lexical Sets (credits Edoardo Maria Ponti, University of Cambridge)
Day 5: Meaning Composition
- Lecture 5 Slides (Friday, July 21)
- Coercion in a General Theory of Argument Selection (Pustejovsky, 2011)
- Automated Induction of Sense in Context (Pustejovsky, Rumshisky, and Hanks, 2004)
- T-PAS: A resource of corpus-derived Typed Predicate Argument Structures for
linguistic analysis and semantic processing (Jezek et al, 2014) - Semantic Coercion in Language: Beyond Distributional Analysis: (Pustejovsky and Jezek, 2008)
- Between Chaos and Structure: Interpreting Lexical Data through a Theoretical Lens (Pustejovsky and Rumshisky, 2008)
- Co-compositionality in Grammar (Pustejovsky, 2012)
- Lexicon and Pragmatics: in The Lexicon (Jezek, 2016, OUP)